Lee Saunders, Author at Tier One Rankings https://tieronerankings.com/author/lee/ help you succeed with your directories and awards submissions Mon, 04 Nov 2024 12:35:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://tieronerankings.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/cropped-android-chrome-512x512-1-32x32.png Lee Saunders, Author at Tier One Rankings https://tieronerankings.com/author/lee/ 32 32 Key Factors in Elevating M&A Transactions https://tieronerankings.com/key-factors-in-elevating-ma-transactions/ https://tieronerankings.com/key-factors-in-elevating-ma-transactions/#respond Mon, 04 Nov 2024 12:35:46 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=2041 When compiling data for M&A in submissions or awards, transactions can become more unusual, complex, or innovative due to several factors that differentiate them from standard, “run-of-the-mill” deals. Always consider the following: – Cross-border elements: Transactions involving companies from different countries introduce complexities such as navigating multiple regulatory environments, varying legal systems, tax regimes, and […]

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When compiling data for M&A in submissions or awards, transactions can become more unusual, complex, or innovative due to several factors that differentiate them from standard, “run-of-the-mill” deals. Always consider the following:

– Cross-border elements: Transactions involving companies from different countries introduce complexities such as navigating multiple regulatory environments, varying legal systems, tax regimes, and cultural considerations.

– Industry-specific regulations: Highly regulated industries (e.g., healthcare, biotech, financial services) often require compliance with stringent, specialized regulations that may add layers of complexity.

– Public company acquisitions: Acquiring a publicly listed company involves securities laws, disclosure requirements, tender offers, and regulatory scrutiny (e.g., antitrust or competition authority approvals), making it more complex than private deals.

– Value: Although one component of the assessment process, there is no doubt that the value of a transaction in a given industry does play a key role. Without a high value, the matter needs to incorporate many of the points below. 

– Hostile takeovers: In a hostile takeover, the acquirer seeks to purchase a company without the consent of its board, which can lead to defensive strategies by the target company (e.g., poison pills) and intricate legal maneuvers.

– Multiple stakeholders: Transactions involving multiple stakeholders (e.g., government, minority shareholders, private equity) create complex negotiations, competing interests, and varied legal and financial obligations.

– Use of innovative deal structures: Transactions that involve innovative financing methods, earnouts, stock swaps, or the use of complex instruments like contingent value rights (CVRs) or equity clawbacks can introduce financial and legal challenges.

– Post-transaction integration: Deals requiring complex integration, especially when combining differing corporate cultures, operating systems, or geographies, can increase difficulty.

– Distressed assets or insolvency: Buying distressed companies or assets often requires navigating bankruptcy laws, debt restructuring, and creditor negotiations, which adds complexity to the deal structure.

– Intellectual property (IP) issues: Acquisitions that heavily rely on IP (e.g., technology or biotechnology companies) often require thorough IP due diligence and may involve complicated licensing or patent litigation concerns.

– Antitrust and competition law concerns: Mergers or acquisitions that significantly alter the competitive landscape of an industry may require antitrust reviews or concessions to avoid regulatory challenges.

These factors can make an M&A transaction more challenging than typical deals, requiring creative legal, financial, and strategic solutions, and should be made clear to the researcher.

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Raise the Bar with IFLR   https://tieronerankings.com/raise-the-bar-with-iflr/ https://tieronerankings.com/raise-the-bar-with-iflr/#respond Tue, 22 Oct 2024 14:25:13 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=2032 As we approach the end of the 2024 calendar year, the latest batch of awards open to entry is the prestigious IFLR Europe Awards, now in its 26th year. Celebrating cross-border deals that have reached financial close between January 1-December 31, 2024, the deadline to submit your forms via the IFLR platform is December 5, […]

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As we approach the end of the 2024 calendar year, the latest batch of awards open to entry is the prestigious IFLR Europe Awards, now in its 26th year.

Celebrating cross-border deals that have reached financial close between January 1-December 31, 2024, the deadline to submit your forms via the IFLR platform is December 5, 2024, with the ceremony honoring the winners in April 2025.

Prepare in advance

Don’t wait until the last minute. The awards are now open so make a start before Christmas approaches. Gather your final directory submissions, recent matters in any billing or transaction database, and identify potential matters that may impress a judging panel –collecting any missing details from the lawyers on the matter.

Focus on Deals of the Year and the Criteria

No more than three deals per category, all deals must be cross-border in nature.  Though domestic transactions can be referenced briefly in Firm of the Year submissions, the focus must remain on CROSS-BORDER deals and INNOVATION. Without completing the “why is this matter innovative” part, the deal cannot be shortlisted. 

While you can find more about the categories here, they are as follows:

• Debt and equity-linked

• Equity

• High yield

• M&A

• Loan

• Private equity

 • Project finance

• Restructuring

• Structured finance and securitization

• Financial services regulatory

• Digital finance, among others.  

Financial Services Regulatory recognizes non-contentious financial services regulatory and compliance advice, while Digital Finance focuses on crypto and blockchain work. There are also individual awards, including IFLR Women Dealmakers Hall of Fame (for senior female partners who have had an impact shaping the legal landscape and not won the award before). There is also the Rising Star category, aimed at senior associate-level lawyers with less than 15 years’ post-qualification experience.

How to highlight innovation

The IFLR judges will be looking for submissions that highlight legal innovation and creativity. While directory rankings can depend on the depth of work across a field, sector or team, awards can be awarded on ONE piece of outstanding or innovative work or one terrific lawyer who has had a tremendous year. For example, innovation might take into consideration the following points.

a) Legal and regulatory requirements, such as antitrust laws and foreign investment restrictions, vary dramatically and may need more tailored and innovative clauses to comply or get through any objections.

b) Different tax laws can lead to double taxation and increased liabilities.

c) Vital protection of patents and trademarks may form part of the transaction.

d) Varying data protection laws can complicate the transaction.

Talk to the nominee

Talk to the nominees to obtain these insights and ensure that the wider impact or unusual nature of the matter does not get missed.

Furthermore, ask the lead partner for a deal in which the firm was NOT involved but was significant. IFLR also requires nominations of other deals from participants.

Also ask the lawyer if they would recommend the in-house legal team at any of their banking clients, for which there are also awards.

This helps IFLR expand their pool of nominations and work. Find out more details about the awards from IFLR here.

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The Rewards in Awards https://tieronerankings.com/the-rewards-in-awards/ https://tieronerankings.com/the-rewards-in-awards/#respond Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:26:24 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=1706 “The Oscar is the most valuable, but least expensive, item of world-wide public relations ever invented by any industry.” These were the words of Frank Capra, the Italian-American director of many hits, including the 1946 Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life. The slew of awards open to private practice lawyers have almost the same number […]

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“The Oscar is the most valuable, but least expensive, item of world-wide public relations ever invented by any industry.” These were the words of Frank Capra, the Italian-American director of many hits, including the 1946 Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life.

The slew of awards open to private practice lawyers have almost the same number of categories, but some of these awards can indeed be richly deserved accolades reflecting the achievements of a law firm or its lawyers over the course of a year or even a career. Knowing which ones to invest time in before you audition is key, and the first is around the corner.

The content required to impress judges is not far different from the Oscars. Strong performances in outstanding roles that were groundbreaking in some capacity. Across the spectrum of awards – both legal and industry – getting familiar with what was innovative or groundbreaking in your transactions or cases is key and while it sounds straightforward, there are ways to bring these differences out.

Legal AND industry awards are hugely useful marketing tools – that boost a firm’s morale, stand out to new talent, celebrate milestone achievements, and can potentially be a bonus to clients if undecided on a firm to work with. The process itself is also useful in collating content that can be used in submissions and repositioned in articles.

As we head into 2024, one of the first awards just around the corner is LMG Life Sciences, which will this year honor those law firms and specialists for work carried out in the life sciences industry in 2023, across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. With a deadline of January 25, 2024, and a London ceremony in May, see if you fit the categories.

Firm categories include: • Antitrust & Competition • Corporate • Licensing and collaboration • M&A • Opposition procedure • Parallel import • Patent litigation – Biologics/Biosimilars • Patent litigation – Biotech • Patent litigation – Medical devices • Patent litigation – Pharmaceuticals • Patent strategy • Product liability • Regulatory • SPC litigation • Venture capital • White collar crime.

There are Individual and Rising Star categories, as well as Jurisdiction and Deal awards, the latter needing to be publishable. There are also in-house awards if you wish to nominate your clients to enter. LMG Life Sciences is one of the free-to-submit flagship awards in the healthcare and life sciences industry. More details here: https://www.iflr.com/pdf/life-sciences-awards-emea-2024-methodology-pdf

Other major awards for a range of fields include Infrastructure Journal awards, Global Real Estate Awards, World Tax Awards, Managing IP awards for Intellectual Property, and Benchmark Litigation awards. There are hugely popular awards for Chambers, Legal 500 and IFLR, as well as Mergermarket, Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers, Asia Legal Business Awards, and Women in Business Law for EMEA, Americas and APAC. There are also The Lawyer Awards, Legal Business Awards, and a real golden Oscar – the FT Innovation Awards.

We will cover the requirements, methodologies and best practices for all of these – and more – in due course, but wanted to focus here on key tips to prepare ahead of awards season. 

1 Familiarize yourself with the definitions and criteria
Look clearly at what the award is looking to see. Often, nominations for awards, as with legal directories, can fall short for failing to adhere to the specified requirements.

2 Prepare in advance
Do not leave until the last minute. Prepare a good month in advance, if possible, by getting the materials ready – be they previous award or directory submissions, recent matters in any billing or transaction database, and identify potential matters that may impress a judging panel –collecting any missing details from the lawyers on the matter.

3 Highlight significant cases, deals, or achievements,
While directory rankings can depend on a depth of work across a field, sector or team, awards can be awarded on ONE piece of outstanding work or one terrific lawyer who has had a tremendous year.

Awards could include advising on a complex merger that raises many hurdles at the Competition Authority, Supreme Court victories, the highest value transaction, the most interesting in the sector, an unusual structure not used for some time. The impact of the innovation on the client, firm or key stakeholders can also play a part. Consider where the lawyers delivered the most value and offer context to elaborate on the distinctiveness of the matter.

4 Talk to the nominee
Talk to the nominees to get insights and additional information that may help. While lawyers may be fully engrossed in their matters, doing what they do best, the wider impact or unusual nature of the matter can and does get missed. It is important to bring this out.

5 Be realistic about the chances of winning
Focus on quality over quantity when submitting deals and explain why it was so important to the client and, potentially, industry. Panels can often see through those long-shot submissions because they vaguely fit the criteria. 

We will cover each award in turn but follow us at Tier One for contact us for a marketing 2024 calendar you can use. We may even help you pick out an Oscar dress for the ceremony.

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How to write the best shop window- think ‘FILTER’ https://tieronerankings.com/how-to-write-the-best-shop-window-think-filter/ https://tieronerankings.com/how-to-write-the-best-shop-window-think-filter/#respond Tue, 07 Mar 2023 15:06:35 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=1103 When we mean “shop window,” this means a succinct synopsis of your most significant, most innovative highlights, of who you are, and what sets your firm apart. The ‘shop window’ is your window to the world. While the researcher will be most interested in your work matters, this section is an opportunity focus on your story and […]

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When we mean “shop window,” this means a succinct synopsis of your most significant, most innovative highlights, of who you are, and what sets your firm apart. The ‘shop window’ is your window to the world. While the researcher will be most interested in your work matters, this section is an opportunity focus on your story and key strengths and lay it out in an easy-to-read way.

Here are some pointers to help you focus. Think FILTER. If you have a blank window, start with this. 

Stick to facts, figures, and examples rather than generic jargon. Expressions like “going the extra mile” or “going above and beyond” is too generic. Show by using an example or some statistics how you stood out. In the shop window, for example: what market share you may have in a given field; how many international offerings you have done in the past year; what the total financing provided by your lenders in the last 12 months; how many incubators you act for; and have we helped to develop any interesting area of law or been sought out by Government to advise on a particular industry or practice area.

Diversity and breadth of industry expertise is significant and valuable. For example, “our experience spans across various industries, including cybersecurity, IT, computer products, semiconductors, software. And then give examples.

Have you advised on landmark transactions or precedential cases in your market – both before the timeframe of the submission and during it? Briefly refer to the major transactions or cases but focus on the present. Global directories want to see how you have been involved in major domestic transactions, but they will also want to see how trusted you are by international clients too. Briefly reference all the key cross-border work without repeating what is written in the matter descriptions.

Showcase the established lawyers, rising lawyers (those that show promise) and recently hired lawyers who may have worked in-house within industry. For example, if you are submitting a capital markets lawyer, maybe they have worked at the Securities Authority. If you are submitting a planning and zoning lawyer, maybe they worked for a Government Planning Committee or local municipality. Point that out.

Given time constraints for them, the researcher is likely to scan read this section so 500 words or so is ideal. Pack the key messages and strengths of the firm into this area, giving them the essential points. Too many words will not count in your favor.

Show the researcher how diverse your client roster is: lenders and borrowers, PE and VC firms, buyers and sellers, start-ups, established corporates, and multinationals, etc. We have a client section in the submission, so we don’t need to repeat all the names again but mention the big ones. The biggest domestic players – saying who they are – the biggest supermarket in Poland, the most active bank in UAE, and highlight well-known global clients. 

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Once the rankings are published: How best to write a post? https://tieronerankings.com/once-the-rankings-are-published-how-best-to-write-a-post/ https://tieronerankings.com/once-the-rankings-are-published-how-best-to-write-a-post/#respond Thu, 02 Feb 2023 09:32:03 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=1070 Chambers is about to publish and soon LinkedIn will be awash with CA – Congratulations Addicts. “Hi, I am John, I am humbled to be ranked in ….. Hi John.”  Is there anything wrong with this? Absolutely not. It is a chance to spotlight our employees who have been working hard and proving their mettle […]

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Chambers is about to publish and soon LinkedIn will be awash with CA – Congratulations Addicts. “Hi, I am John, I am humbled to be ranked in ….. Hi John.” 

Is there anything wrong with this? Absolutely not. It is a chance to spotlight our employees who have been working hard and proving their mettle for our clients – and there should DEFINITELY be an internal email from management congratulating all partners and associates who have made it into the rankings, accompanied by the very quotes that the firm can then use on its practice area or sector pages, that the lawyers can use on their bios, and even – potentially – on their e-signatures.

Is LinkedIn the right place for this?

Yes and No. We can do it but think creatively or do so in a way that builds momentum for future rankings. It may take a moment or two but when you combine trends with ranking, it lands “better” with the audience. 

(i) “For the 5th year in a row, we are ranked in Band 1 in M&A in Chambers/Legal 500/IFLR, this could not be done without the first-rate work handled by the department over the past year. Just last week, we advised on XXX and XXX, and are here to steer clients through the challenges of 2023.” 

(ii) “Investment funds are our DNA and passion. Having worked on XXX and XXX in 2022, and for the past 12 years, it is what drives our team of lawyers, so continued recognition in Chambers/Legal 500/IFLR is the icing on the cake.”

(iii) “The start-up world has been under the spotlight lately, as the battle for VC investment goes on, but we are delighted to have helped many of our start-ups secure hard-to-find funding in the last 12 months – as brought out in the latest ranking in Start-Ups and Emerging Companies, published in Chambers/Legal 500/IFLR this week.”

Yes, we want to celebrate our achievements, but we want to celebrate our clients more and reinforce the strong personal and commercial relationships we have been developing with the very people who sustain our business. 

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Content Trends for 2023 https://tieronerankings.com/content-trends-for-2023/ https://tieronerankings.com/content-trends-for-2023/#respond Wed, 18 Jan 2023 07:27:39 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=1061 Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in 2023, there are a few trends relating to content for law firms to be aware of.  Lights, Camera, Action While video has often been king in many industries – with users watching a 19 hours of video content each week – but in the legal industry, […]

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Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in 2023, there are a few trends relating to content for law firms to be aware of. 

Lights, Camera, Action 
While video has often been king in many industries – with users watching a 19 hours of video content each week – but in the legal industry, it appears to be largely untapped by most. Expect to see more short, insightful videos on a range of platforms this year. Short-form video is great for your brand. You can produce more content in less time — plus, viewers are more likely to engage with a shorter video that gets straight to the point. 

High-Impact Content 
There will always be routine content showcased but corporate clients will expect more high-impact content to capture their attention in the labyrinth of LinkedIn. High-impact will include displaying milestone transactions and precedential cases but briefly and clearly explaining why. 

Humans work with Humans 
Lastly, don’t be afraid to show empathy and human-focused content. Many law firms have often struggled with showing their human side to their audience. But with users increasingly turned off by overly promotional content that reads like advertising, remaining authentic and human is more important than before. Following COVID-19, clients want genuine connections, as well as the vital commercial, legal and technical knowhow. 

With the next generation of clients and decision-makers interested in the myriad of global challenges we face, it will be important to genuinely highlight social responsibility in your content – including environmental initiatives, social equality, and much more. 

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Five Tips for New Partners for 2023 https://tieronerankings.com/five-tips-for-new-partners-for-2023/ https://tieronerankings.com/five-tips-for-new-partners-for-2023/#respond Tue, 03 Jan 2023 06:48:34 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=1031 You have started the year with a bang: the promotion you have been working hard towards and striving for. A huge congratulations. Your mother may be calling her friends, as we speak. This is genuinely wonderful news for you.  “With great(er) power, though, comes great responsibility.” Forgive me, I may have had too much Spiderman […]

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You have started the year with a bang: the promotion you have been working hard towards and striving for. A huge congratulations. Your mother may be calling her friends, as we speak. This is genuinely wonderful news for you. 

“With great(er) power, though, comes great responsibility.” Forgive me, I may have had too much Spiderman over the holidays. Profile and awareness now become paramount, not just for your own practice but for the department and wider firm.

This is also the right time to tap into the buzz around your partner promotion to benefit your individual rankings. As you probably know, most of the international rankings guides have an individual ranking that is influenced by client feedback and shaped by market commentators.

Although hard to get into the rankings, the relatively newer categories of rising stars/partners to watch are constantly growing. Start as you mean to go on and raise your profile in the market.  

There are many ways to do this and here, we look at five ways to champion yourself and your practice.

There are many avenues to raising your profile and we examine here five ways to champion your practice. 

  • Thought Leadership in Press: 
    There are literally hundreds of trade magazines spanning multiple legal sectors and business industries – and with a little due diligence and homework – you can establish who the leaders and are and what they may need. While many may ask for ‘Pay-to-Play,’ they are also very much in need of strong, reliable third-party content from professional, responsive thought leaders. If you know your niche and area of expertise, find those reporters and editors and reach out. You can establish yourself as a go-to person in your field and also introduce editors and reporters to other experts in other jurisdictions too. 
  • Press releases 
    While LinkedIn has become the destination for deal announcements, check with your client if you can issue an official press release for a deal you have been working on. It is good for the news tab on the firm’s website, as well as your own profile and CV. 
  • Events 
    Now is the time to find and attend those key events in your industry or practice area. Attend to learn latest trends, develop your network and turbocharge your business development efforts. Type up notes and observations to share with your team and department. The more you are seen and active, the more you can expand your real-world network but also increase your visibility when it comes to rankings in the legal directories. 
  • Networking
    LinkedIn feels like it has been around forever but are you using it well. Aside from the fact that Nishlis Legal Marketing offers Masterclasses in LinkedIn, spend 20 minutes a day on the platform to become a member of key industry groups – belonging to a group instantly grants you access to sending connection invites to every other member within that group. Look to join alumni groups and those at previous workplaces. Take a deep dive into your connection’s connections, as well as your competitors. This can help identify target companies, as well as those who can offer potential referrals. 
  • Legal Directory Submissions
    With decades’ experience here, we would strongly recommend that new partners reach out to their marketing department and head of department to ensure that they are involved in 3 or 4 of the 20 matters asked for by IFLR, Chambers and Legal 500, among many other directories. Keep a list of the transactions and cases you are working on, for easy access. Ensure that you are involved in the process and get a chance to join a phone interview, if possible. 

Congratulations from us here at Tier One Rankings, Happy New Year and the best of luck to you all. 

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What law firms can learn from the World Cup https://tieronerankings.com/what-law-firms-can-learn-from-the-world-cup/ https://tieronerankings.com/what-law-firms-can-learn-from-the-world-cup/#respond Mon, 19 Dec 2022 15:10:23 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=1038 Eleni Chalkidou, Director of Strategic Communications and Lee Saunders, Head of English Content at Nishlis Legal Marketing, look back on the World Cup 2022 and draw parallels to the legal sector. Over 1 billion people from across the globe watched a dramatic final that saw Argentina pick up the FIFA World Cup trophy for the first […]

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Eleni Chalkidou, Director of Strategic Communications and Lee Saunders, Head of English Content at Nishlis Legal Marketing, look back on the World Cup 2022 and draw parallels to the legal sector.

Over 1 billion people from across the globe watched a dramatic final that saw Argentina pick up the FIFA World Cup trophy for the first time since 1986. As the memes and plaudits go viral, there are poignant and valuable management and business lessons to be taken away from a World Cup that saw underdogs Morocco progress to the semi-finals, gave Saudi Arabia the shock victory over the eventual champions in the first group match, and highlighted the humility and values of some of the world’s most decorated stars. 

(1) Law firms that we work with often take pride in showcasing their strength in numbers, where the key lesson is the importance of teamwork. No successful firm can make it to the very top of the game as a one-man/woman show. The synergy of individuals transparently working together for a common cause is paramount to organic growth and meeting goals. Strong and clear internal communication and sharing of data and content is as key as it is for soccer teams. Messi instinctively knows where his teammates are because they share that information. 

(2) A continually evolving strategy, the ability to learn from mistakes, and being persistent is another key takeaway from the World Cup. Despite the surprising defeat in their opening game and throwing 2-0 leads away against Netherlands and France, Argentina embraced any necessary changes, knew their strengths, stuck to and adapted their strategy to do what they needed to do. 

(3) Finally, the impact of training and developing young talent is vital. Messi’s achievements did not happen yesterday. Over 20 years, he has developed the technical nous, scoring instinct, and creative flair to become one of the all-time greats. Empowering today’s talent by helping to develop, train, and nurture them professionally ultimately gives them and the team the greatest chance of success. 

The most valuable lesson of them all for law firms, and for business too.

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Legal 500 Global Green Guide https://tieronerankings.com/legal-500-global-green-guide/ https://tieronerankings.com/legal-500-global-green-guide/#respond Sun, 30 Oct 2022 08:08:00 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=919 With sustainability and climate change on the coming agenda at the 12-day COP 27 climate change conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt in early November, we discovered more about Legal 500’s own Global Green Guide – now in its second year – and how law firms can engage.  After a lovely chat with Legal 500 […]

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With sustainability and climate change on the coming agenda at the 12-day COP 27 climate change conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt in early November, we discovered more about Legal 500’s own Global Green Guide – now in its second year – and how law firms can engage. 

After a lovely chat with Legal 500 researcher Maya Sainani, we draw your attention to the following:  

Q What is the Legal 500 Global Green Guide? What inspired it?  

The guide puts a spotlight on key firms around the globe which have been able to showcase a contribution to a green transition. It aims to provide a holistic view on firms’ engagement with sustainability, including both work for clients, as well as firms’ own best practices and initiatives

Q How does a law firm submit and what is the methodology?

A The ongoing research is for the second edition, with the first guide here.  This next guide will feature firms across the EMEA region that are particularly engaged in facilitating “green change”. We are looking both at firms’ work for clients in the realm of climate change mitigation, sustainability and ESG, and at firm’s own internal best practices and initiatives

Q Like the other Legal 500 guides, do you rank by tier or this more of a spotlight table? 

The Green Guide does not rank firms by tier, but rather we assess according to the firm’s submission and a follow-up interview whether the firm merits inclusion in the guide. A submission does not result in automatic inclusion. Featured firms will be able to demonstrate a relevant work portfolio, concrete internal actions, and particular team members’ engagement that goes beyond the handling of mandates. 

Featured firms will be reviewed on a yearly basis according to provided information and market context, and inclusion in one year does not guarantee inclusion the next year.

There is no “best number of matters” to include – merely the most appropriate matters. 

Q We act for clients in Europe and the Middle East, and elsewhere. Not all jurisdictions are presently covered. What are the guide’s objectives going forward, and if the jurisdiction is not covered, is it still worth submitting? 

Firms can send in from anywhere and can also appear on their own. As we don’t rank, there is an editorial about the firms that ARE included.

Q Within a firm’s workload, what do you hope to see? 

A We look to draw attention to a diverse range of matters across multiple practice areas which fall broadly into the category of sustainability work. We are looking for the most innovative and complex work in the transition to decarbonization but will also give consideration to a consistent and longstanding track record in relevant routine work. 

We consider energy and environment work (so those submissions can be used as a starting point). 
Advice to the fossil fuel sector will be considered where it relates to advancing a green transition; renewable energy (solar, wind, etc), Green Bonds related work would also be considered. 

Q Outside of this work for clients, what would you look to see? 

We also consider any sustainability-related matters too, as well as internal best practices and initiatives. With climate change front and center, we look to see what law firms are doing with regards to setting out internal goals and measures to reduce carbon footprints. Steps to measure CO2 emissions, reducing paper waste, etc.

We look for specific steps that have been taken towards helping their clients make progress, as well as making progress within the firm. Whether making small internal changes, driving conversations about ESG, or assisting clients with sustainability matters, you have the chance to put that down in the submission document or tell us in a phone interview. With an extended November 4 deadline for EMEA, the US deadline in February and a separate UK deadline in June, you can find out more details here or contact us. 

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To blog or not to blog, this is the question https://tieronerankings.com/to-blog-or-not-to-blog-this-is-the-question/ https://tieronerankings.com/to-blog-or-not-to-blog-this-is-the-question/#respond Tue, 23 Aug 2022 08:10:00 +0000 https://tieronerankings.com/?p=922 Written by Lee Saunders, head of English content at Nishlis Legal Marketing. Do I blog? Who is going to read it? How much time will it take? Do they really work? Are other people in my sector doing it? In the digital world, blogs can feel like they have been around forever but in the corporate […]

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Written by Lee Saunders, head of English content at Nishlis Legal Marketing.

Do I blog? Who is going to read it? How much time will it take? Do they really work? Are other people in my sector doing it?

In the digital world, blogs can feel like they have been around forever but in the corporate world, some sectors do, some don’t, but all can benefit from increased visibility if they work out what they want to say.

Blogging is all about showcasing your thought leadership, understanding and expertise to followers here on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and often to journalists, who may need background information on your industry developments. You are establishing yourself as the most reliable go-to person or company for a particular product or service.

Here are 10 pointers to help you get started.

1) Plan: Before you even get to the blog itself, write down 5 points you wish to make to your reader and elaborate on them. Why do you want to make them? What are you trying to say? What do you want them to think about you after reading them?

Compile a list of easy-to-implement tips you want to use and select the most important. Explain each tip or warning sign in a few sentences or paragraphs.

2) Structure: There are a number of structures for you to consider. A simple list post on tips or trends are among the most popular.

For example,

5 M&A trends you need to know about 2017.

12 Easy Ways to Raise Your Profile.

5 Warning Signs that You Should Call Your Mother.

Use headline and subheadings to keep your reader engaged and involved. This also helps Google understand the key points you are making any long blog post.  

3) Language: In legal or financial blogs, do not get overly technical if your reader is not a General Counsel. How will it impact them?

4) Length: Aim for around 700-1000 words as blogs of this length tend to rank better on Google as your keywords will appear more often. It is challenging to write so many words and keep it strong, tight, focused and informative. Best thing to do here is again to plan what you want to say and why. What trends or events are taking place in your industry? 

Use a good mix of sentence lengths – both long and short – and don’t be afraid to be creative. We are not writing Harry Potter but you can play with words and use analogies, metaphors and expressions. 

5) Easy to follow: A high-quality blog post is easy to read and valuable for your readers. If they are rereading twice to understand, you’ve failed to get the message across. While you will always look to show your passion and enthusiasm, decide on the tone you want to convey. Do you want it to be formal or informal? Positive or warning your readers?

6) Read: To write, write, write – you need to read, read, read. See how other people in your field (and others) are writing and about what specifically. 

7) The order: Consider writing your introduction last and never let your conclusion fizzle out. 

8) Get them thinking:Surprise your reader with something new – make your reader think. 

9) Consistency: You may think everyone is blogging, and blogging regularly, in your industry, but you may well still be the first in your niche. Set a content calendar.

This is something that can be driven, researched by associates or juniors, to showcase initiative, raise their profile inside the firm, and build relationships with clients. Signed off by partners, it’s a good way of rainmaking and networking for the next generation.

Save your best tip until the very end. 

10) Message us.

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